Wheat - Lassik


Lassik “UC1495” is a Hard Red Spring (HRS) derived from Anza. Lassik has similar height, flowering time, and spike characteristics as Anza.


Lassik is resistant to current races of stripe rust (Fig.1, Table 1). It has three different stripe rust resistance genes (Yr17, Yr18 and Yr36).

Lassik also has two genes for leaf rust resistance (Lr34 and Lr37) and good levels of resistance to septoria tritici blotch and to barley yellow dwarf virus.

Lassik has been identified to have resistance to root knot-nematodes in potted studies but the economic benefit to subsequent susceptible crops in the rotation is unclear.

Figure 1. Lassik showed improved resistance to strip rust in the field compared to Anza.



Table 1. Comparison between Lassik and Anza in % final stripe rust infection and its effect on yield. Anza yield numbers in red are significantly lower than those of Lassik grown in the same location.

Table 1


Lassik showed significantly higher yields than Anza in 2006 and 2007 (Table 1). Differences were particularly clear at locations with high levels of stripe rust infection, suggesting that the increased yield is related to Lassik improved stripe rust resistance. Yield data for 2006 and 2007 are summarized in Table 2 and Figure 2.

Considering the 2008-2010 average yield in the California Small Grain Region Trials, Lassik is the 2nd highest yielding variety in the Sacramento (9 locations) and San Joaquin Valleys (9 locations) http://smallgrains.ucdavis.edu/.

Figure 2. Yield comparison: Lassik vs. other varieties in the Sacramento valley (avg. 9 loc/y in the Sac. Valley & Delta 2008-2010)













Detailed data description and statistical analyses for Lassik can be obtained at http://smallgrains.ucdavis.edu/.

Lassik Yield potential in WA: In the year 2011 Lassik was the top yielding variety in the WSU Hard Spring Wheat Trial in all four different precipitation zones. Detailed data description and statistical analyses for Lassik in WA can be obtained at http://variety.wsu.edu/2011/index.htm.


Lassik has significantly higher grain protein content than Anza (13.6% vs. 12.2%) and stronger gluten than Anza, as a result of the incorporation of the high grain protein content gene Gpc-B1. This protein increase results in longer mixing time (109% longer), longer departure time (98% longer), and larger loaf volume (16% larger) (Table 2). Lassik samples tested by ADM – wheat; Bay State Milling; Horizon Milling/Cargill – wheat; Cereal Food Processors, Inc., and the California Wheat Commission quality laboratory, showed good breadmaking characteristics.

Table 2. Comparison between Anza and Lassik breadmaking quality. Data from 4 locations and two blocks per location. Numbers in red are significantly higher.

Table 2


Foundation seed of Lassik is distributed by the University of California Foundation Seed Program to licensed brokers and seed houses twice annually, fall and spring. Offcycle requests are considered on a case-by-case basis.

To obtain information and/or a license for Lassik contact the University of California, UC Davis InnovationAccess:

Denise Meade
Intellectual Property Analyst
University of California
UC Davis InnovationAccess
1850 Research Park Drive, Suite 100
Davis, California 95616
Phone: (530) 754-8674
Email: dlmeade@ucdavis.edu