Alfalfa - CUF 101

DEVELOPMENTalfalfa seed harvest

CUF 101 was developed as a joint effort by the University of California, the US Department of Agriculture, and California farmers. It was first released in 1976.


CUF 101 was selected from cultivars growing in a 20-acre, over-irrigated hay production field which was 2.5 years old and had been severely infested with the blue alfalfa aphid for about six weeks. Parent plants were selected from the following cultivars: UC Cargo (50), UC Salton (I), UC 76 (20) 1972 breeding mixture (18), and Niagara N7 l (2). All parent lines in CUF 101 except Niagara N71 are related to UC Cargo. Approximately 80% of the germplasm in CUF 101 can be traced to UC Cargo. This germplasm is composed of: 0%, M. facata: 1 %, Ladak: 2%, M. varia; 11 %, Turkistan; I%, Flemish; 7%, Chilean; 0%, Peruvian; 23%, Indian; 49%, African; 4%, Arabian; and 2%, unknown sources of germplasm.


The area of adaptation is the low desert valley areas of Southern California where damage from the blue alfalfa aphid may be severe and winter production is desired. The primary use will be for hay, pasture, green chop, and dehydration.


CUF 101 is highly resistant to Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum), pea aphid (Acyrrhosiphon pisum), spotted alfalfa aphid (Threioaphis maculata), and blue alfalfa aphid (Acyrthosiphon kondoi), and it is moderately resistant to Phytophthora root rot (Phytophlhora megasperma), and northern root knot nematode (Meloidogyne hapla). It is susceptible to bacterial wilt (Clavibactor insidiosum). Resistance of this cultivar to Verticillium wilt ( Verticillium alboatrum), and Aphanomyces root rot (Race 1) (Aphanomyces euteiches), and southern anthracnose (Collerorrichum rrijolii) (Race 1) is unknown.


Production of CUF 101 at El Centro, California, was better than all cultivars such as UC Cargo, UC Salton, and Mesa Sirsa when subjected to an attack of the blue alfalfa aphid. Under relatively normal conditions, production of CUF 101 was equal to or slightly better than other cultivars, UC Cargo, UC Salton, Moapa 69 and Mesa Sirsa.


The classes of seed will be breeder, foundation, and certified. Breeder seed will be maintained by the University of California, Davis.